Four commonly used categories which shall be developed are:
1. People
2. Product
3. Process
4. Promotion
The question now is which one shall be address first? Obviously, People shall be top of the list as good people is an asset to the company. We have to ensure that the right people are employed and the rest, namely Product, Process and Promotion, shall be easily developed. The right people means those with competent and right skill sets, knowledge as well as attitude. The first two factors may be easily assessed however it is a challenge to choose a candidate with the right attitude. Here, referrals play an important role to assist in the selection of the right candidate.
Prior to the mass recruitment, we shall establish the desired organisation structure for an effective and efficient delivery of services to the customers. During the development of the structure, emphasis must be given to the shariah aspect of the entity. In other words, the entire activities within the organisation must be guided by a center point with solid shariah principles and background. In this respect, it is recommended that a takaful entity must be led by a strong and competent shariah council externally and a shariah advisory team internally.