Thursday, June 2, 2016

FAQ #5

What is the concept of actuarial in the takaful business?

Actuarial is basically a process of applying mathematical and statistical methods to estimate the prudent pricing for any particular product introduced by Takaful. Prudent pricing means that the contributions paid by the participants are expected to establish a fund which will be sufficient to pay for all future claims relevant to the coverages provided.  This can be achieved by applying actuarial methodologies based on the past experience and trend regarding a particular risk to estimate future contribution.  For instance, if the takaful product is to cover losses arising from death, actuarial will apply the mortality table or death rate in their pricing formula. The mortality table is derived based on several years of study on the death rate of the population in depth.

In addition, actuarial will also apply other key factors during the pricing such as expenses, profit margin as well as expected future investment return for the fund.  As the estimation will usually apply some conservative assumptions to provide some buffer against any negative impact, the actuarial team will also conduct a regular assessment on the fund to ensure the assets are at least equal to the liabilities of the coverages.  This process is commonly known as actuarial valuation and the regulator has set the minimum criteria for such calculation.  The valuation exercise lead to the determination of surplus or deficit in the takaful fund.  Should there be any surplus, they will recommend to the Board for sharing of surplus among the participants otherwise a recommendation is made to the Board to rectify the deficit via interest free loan known as Qard.

Those mentioned above are just handful of responsibilities of actuarial team in takaful company as they are primarily responsible and accountable to assist the management in making the right decision from developing new products till ensuring that the takaful fund is always sufficient to cater for all claims.