Monday, July 25, 2016

FAQ #19

What is a Life Annuity Takaful and why the Annuity products are not available in Takaful industry?

Today, we observe great concern with respect to health-related issues within the community.  In addition, there have been significant improvement in medical facilities offered to the public and easily access to a better quality of life.  As a result, most part of the world are observing increasing life expectancies among their population in recent years.     
Consequently, there is a need to provide retirement products that will cater for a stream of income upon retirement and old ages.  The income is meant to sustain certain level of lifestyle which may not be equivalent to pre-retirement period but at least provides a comfortable life.
Life annuity is a concept of a series of future regular payment to be paid by Takaful operator commencing from a particular age as an exchange of an immediate lump-sum payment or series of regular payment.  This is usually offered by Takaful Operator to cater for retirement benefits to their participants.  Nevertheless, life annuity is not allowed by Shariah due to uncertainty element of the number of future regular payment therefore it is replaced with Annuity Certain with specific number of years specified for future regular payments.  For instance, a person aged 40 participates in an Annuity Certain Takaful of 20 years term commencing from aged 55.  He has the option whether to pay a lump-sum contribution at inception or regular contributions till certain age.  Upon reaching 55, Takaful operator will commence paying him a regular payment as agreed earlier for 20 years ahead.  In the event of his death, the balance of future payments will be made to his beneficiaries or as allowed by Shariah laws.

Nevertheless, there are several challenges facing the takaful annuity business  which hamper their development as follows:

Lack of suitable sukuk
Annuity business require a suitable investment instrument which can generate a stream of regular income to match the annuity payout to participants.  As the payout liability is a long term commitment usually 10, 20 or 30 years, the investment instrument shall be a long term duration.  The most suitable instrument to meet with the above criteria is sukuk or Islamic bond. 
Unfortunately, the offering of long term sukuk is very scarce and limited as most sukuk offered are short to medium term in nature.  Moreover, the offering of sukuk is easily fully subscribed by the bigger corporations such as Islamic banking.

As such, most takaful operators are hindered from venturing into the annuity business.

Issues with product features on annuities

One of the features of annuity product is the guaranteed future income payout.  This guaranteeing of future benefits are not acceptable to some Shariah scholars.  Besides, the future guaranteed benefits may resulted in deficit in the fund to cater for the liabilities.  In the event of deficit, Qard (interest-free loan) may be required from shareholders to rectify the shortfall.  As it is a loan, then the question on how to recover the amount for shareholders emerge.  

Issues of permissibility
Some Shariah scholars are of the opinion that the tabarru’ contributions from takaful fund can only be used as benefits to participants who suffer financial loss or misfortune arising from pre-defined events.  However, takaful annuity pays out the benefits to the participants as a result of survivorship without any financial loss or misfortune occur.  Thus, the nature of takaful annuity benefits contradict with the Shariah requirement for benefits payout from the takaful fund.

Impact of Risk-based capital (RBC)
It is mandatory for Takaful business to comply with RBC requirement.  Due to the nature of the annuity product of guaranteeing future benefits, meeting the RBC threshold may result in additional capital requirement.  In the end, annuity products will be priced slightly expensive to cater for RBC requirement and making the product less attractive to the potential customers.
Due to the above challenges, takaful as well as conventional insurance are not very keen to offer such product to the market nowadays.